Прочитай текст и ответь на вопрос When does Kate play tennis? Kate is a student. She’s very busy. She often goes to the library. She plays tennis on Saturdays

Вопрос посетителя

Если дверь закрыта, то будет знак
 (*ответ*) Closed
Как будет по-английски писать
 (*ответ*) write
Найди знак «Вход»
 (*ответ*) Entrance
Найди неверное утверждение
 (*ответ*) Zebras can’t climb
 Tigers can run very fast
 Penguins can swim well
 Pelicans can fly
Найди нужную транскрипцию к слову grandad
 (*ответ*) [ 2grændæd]
Найди слова, имеющие гласный звук, который слышится в слове bed [bed]
 (*ответ*) next, when
 hello, pencil
 bread, said
 desk, help
Подбери слово к транскрипции [ i:]
 (*ответ*) bee
Подбери слово к транскрипции [kl]
 (*ответ*) club
Подобрать слово к транскрипции [ai]
 (*ответ*) ice
Поставь артикльаn, где нужно
 (*ответ*) Have you got _ extra pen
 My favourite subject at school is _ English
 My dad is _ teacher
 Give me _ carrot, please
Продолжи ряд: six, cinema, disco, _ [s]
 (*ответ*) stop
Прочитай текст и ответь на вопрос When does Kate play tennis? Kate is a student. She’s very busy. She often goes to the library. She plays tennis on Saturdays and Sundays. She never watches TV programmes in the morning and in the evening. She listens to the radio, and work on a computer.
 (*ответ*) She plays tennis at the weekends
 She plays tennis in the evening
 She plays tennis in the morning
 She plays tennis on Sundays
Прочитай текст и ответь на вопрос What does John do in the evening? John lives in Samara. He usually gets up at 7a.m. He goes to school at 7.45. He doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. He goes to school by bus. In the evening he plays the piano or plays tennis with his friend Bob. Now he is reading a magazine.
 (*ответ*) He plays the piano or plays tennis
 He plays the guitar
 He reads magazines
 He goes to school by bus

Ответ эксперта

Если дверь закрыта, то будет знак
 (*ответ*) Closed
Как будет по-английски писать
 (*ответ*) write
Найди знак «Вход»
 (*ответ*) Entrance
Найди неверное утверждение
 (*ответ*) Zebras can’t climb
 Tigers can run very fast
 Penguins can swim well
 Pelicans can fly
Найди нужную транскрипцию к слову grandad
 (*ответ*) [ 2grændæd]
Найди слова, имеющие гласный звук, который слышится в слове bed [bed]
 (*ответ*) next, when
 hello, pencil
 bread, said
 desk, help
Подбери слово к транскрипции [ i:]
 (*ответ*) bee
Подбери слово к транскрипции [kl]
 (*ответ*) club
Подобрать слово к транскрипции [ai]
 (*ответ*) ice
Поставь артикльаn, где нужно
 (*ответ*) Have you got _ extra pen
 My favourite subject at school is _ English
 My dad is _ teacher
 Give me _ carrot, please
Продолжи ряд: six, cinema, disco, _ [s]
 (*ответ*) stop
Прочитай текст и ответь на вопрос When does Kate play tennis? Kate is a student. She’s very busy. She often goes to the library. She plays tennis on Saturdays and Sundays. She never watches TV programmes in the morning and in the evening. She listens to the radio, and work on a computer.
 (*ответ*) She plays tennis at the weekends
 She plays tennis in the evening
 She plays tennis in the morning
 She plays tennis on Sundays
Прочитай текст и ответь на вопрос What does John do in the evening? John lives in Samara. He usually gets up at 7a.m. He goes to school at 7.45. He doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. He goes to school by bus. In the evening he plays the piano or plays tennis with his friend Bob. Now he is reading a magazine.
 (*ответ*) He plays the piano or plays tennis
 He plays the guitar
 He reads magazines
 He goes to school by bus

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