Ответьте на эти вопросы так, чтобы рассказать о вашем дне рождения. (0) Did you have a party for your birthday? Yes, I did. I had a party for my birthday.

Вопрос от пользователя

Ответьте на эти вопросы так, чтобы рассказать о вашем дне рождения.
(0)   Did you have a party for your birthday?
Yes, I did. I had a party for my birthday.
(1)  Did you decorate your room?
(2)  What cake did you eat at your birthday party?
(3)  What did your parents give to you?
(4) Did you invite many friends?
(5) What did your friends give to you?
(6) What games did you play?

Ответ от эксперта

1.    I decorated my room with balloons.
2.    I ate chocolate cake at my birthday party.
3.    My parents gave me a lot of many gifts/
4.    T invited many/ a lot of friendes
5.    My friends gave me toys, sweets.
6.    We played board games.
7.    I got a lot of many presents from my friends

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