Заполни пропуски have to, don’t have to, has to, doesn’t have to. 1. We….. go to school every day, but we ….. go to school on Sunday. 2. My brother and l

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Заполни пропуски have to, don’t have to, has to, doesn’t have to.
1. We….. go to school every day, but we ….. go to school on Sunday. 2. My brother and l ……. make breakfast. Our mum makes it. 3. Mum ……. go shopping. Fad goes shopping twice a week. 4. Dad ……. wash our car at weekends. 5. Mum …….. drive to work. She walks. 6. We ………. Wear a school uniform. It’s dark blue. 7. I …….. get up early on Wednesday, but I ……. get up early on Sunday. 8. I ……… do my homework every day.

Ответ от эксперта

1 пропуск have to .2 пропуск don’t have to
3  пропуск  don’t have to 4 пропуск тоже  don’t have to 5 пропуск has to 6 пропуск don’t have to 7 пропуск have to 8 пропуск don’t have to 9 пропуск has to 10  пропуск don’t have to

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