Дополните предложение: If we _ our work in time we shall go to the country finish would finish

Вопрос посетителя

Выберите правильный вариант: I want you _
 (*ответ*) to stay
 have stayed
Выберите правильный вариант: She wants him _
 (*ответ*) to come back
 have come back
 coming back
 come back
Дополните предложение: «Prime time» is _
 (*ответ*) 8:00 to 11:00 p.m.
 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Дополните предложение: In England the word _ is used if we mean a building for showing films
 (*ответ*) «cinema»
Дополните предложение: BBC Radio broadcasts _ national services to the United Kingdom
 (*ответ*) five
Дополните предложение: During the autumn and winter shooting and _ are the great sports in Great Britain
 (*ответ*) fox-hunting
Дополните предложение: During the early stages of cinematography in Russia the film makers concentrated on _, as the most operative and politically important genre
 (*ответ*) documentaries
 animated cartoon films
 horror films
Дополните предложение: I wish he _ yesterday
 (*ответ*) had come
 will come
 has come
Дополните предложение: I wish I _ a doctor
 (*ответ*) were
 will be
Дополните предложение: I _ I were a doctor
 (*ответ*) wish
Дополните предложение: If he should come we _ him about it
 (*ответ*) shall tell
 would tell
 will tell
Дополните предложение: If I _ you, I should ring him
 (*ответ*) were
 will be
Дополните предложение: If we _ our work in time we shall go to the country
 (*ответ*) finish
 would finish
 will finish
 shall finish

Ответ эксперта

Выберите правильный вариант: I want you _
 (*ответ*) to stay
 have stayed
Выберите правильный вариант: She wants him _
 (*ответ*) to come back
 have come back
 coming back
 come back
Дополните предложение: «Prime time» is _
 (*ответ*) 8:00 to 11:00 p.m.
 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Дополните предложение: In England the word _ is used if we mean a building for showing films
 (*ответ*) «cinema»
Дополните предложение: BBC Radio broadcasts _ national services to the United Kingdom
 (*ответ*) five
Дополните предложение: During the autumn and winter shooting and _ are the great sports in Great Britain
 (*ответ*) fox-hunting
Дополните предложение: During the early stages of cinematography in Russia the film makers concentrated on _, as the most operative and politically important genre
 (*ответ*) documentaries
 animated cartoon films
 horror films
Дополните предложение: I wish he _ yesterday
 (*ответ*) had come
 will come
 has come
Дополните предложение: I wish I _ a doctor
 (*ответ*) were
 will be
Дополните предложение: I _ I were a doctor
 (*ответ*) wish
Дополните предложение: If he should come we _ him about it
 (*ответ*) shall tell
 would tell
 will tell
Дополните предложение: If I _ you, I should ring him
 (*ответ*) were
 will be
Дополните предложение: If we _ our work in time we shall go to the country
 (*ответ*) finish
 would finish
 will finish
 shall finish

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