Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Kitty: I’ve forgotten to tell you that Betsy has a big mole on her left cheek and that her face is freckled

Вопрос посетителя

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Carol: I’m trying to save for a vacation in France. I want to go with my friend Jenny, who goes baby-sitting two evenings a week. She gets three dollars a night for that and all she does is sit and watch television with the children!
 (*ответ*) I wish I could do that!
 Yes. What can I do for you?
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dan: Is she dark of fair?
Robert: Her hair is fair but she has dark eyes and eyebrows.
Dan: So she took after your mother, her aunt, didn’t she?
 (*ответ*) Not quite. She resembles our grandmother with her straight nose and fair complexion.
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 I think she is of medium height.
 Her name is Susan, carriage
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dan: Your cousin is very good-looking, isn’t she?
Robert: I believe she is, though she is not a regular beauty.
Dan: Now, I suppose, I can find her in the crowd, especially if you give me her name and the number of her carriage.
 (*ответ*) Her name is Susan, carriage
 Yes. What can I do for you?
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 I think she is of medium height.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dick: Hello, Bob!
Bob: Hi, Dick. How are you?
Dick: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?
 (*ответ*) Pretty good, thanks. I’m on my way to class.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dick: What time is the class?
Bob: The class begins at 9 o’clock.
Dick: Is it an English class?
Bob: Yes.
Dick: Is Mr. Tard the instructor?
Bob: With pleasure.
 (*ответ*) No, Mr. Tard teaches Spanish. Mr. Menning is the instructor.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Johnny: Where do you work in your spare time, Carol?
Carol: At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.
Johnny: How did you get the job?
 (*ответ*) Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 Yes. What can I do for you?
 I’m trying to save for a vacation in France.
 Her name is Susan, carriage
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Kitty: I’ve come to ask you to help me. Will you help me, dear?
 (*ответ*) With pleasure.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Kitty: I’ve forgotten to tell you that Betsy has a big mole on her left cheek and that her face is freckled.
 (*ответ*) That’ll help me for sure.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.

Ответ эксперта

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Carol: I’m trying to save for a vacation in France. I want to go with my friend Jenny, who goes baby-sitting two evenings a week. She gets three dollars a night for that and all she does is sit and watch television with the children!
 (*ответ*) I wish I could do that!
 Yes. What can I do for you?
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dan: Is she dark of fair?
Robert: Her hair is fair but she has dark eyes and eyebrows.
Dan: So she took after your mother, her aunt, didn’t she?
 (*ответ*) Not quite. She resembles our grandmother with her straight nose and fair complexion.
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 I think she is of medium height.
 Her name is Susan, carriage
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dan: Your cousin is very good-looking, isn’t she?
Robert: I believe she is, though she is not a regular beauty.
Dan: Now, I suppose, I can find her in the crowd, especially if you give me her name and the number of her carriage.
 (*ответ*) Her name is Susan, carriage
 Yes. What can I do for you?
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 I think she is of medium height.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dick: Hello, Bob!
Bob: Hi, Dick. How are you?
Dick: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?
 (*ответ*) Pretty good, thanks. I’m on my way to class.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Dick: What time is the class?
Bob: The class begins at 9 o’clock.
Dick: Is it an English class?
Bob: Yes.
Dick: Is Mr. Tard the instructor?
Bob: With pleasure.
 (*ответ*) No, Mr. Tard teaches Spanish. Mr. Menning is the instructor.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Johnny: Where do you work in your spare time, Carol?
Carol: At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.
Johnny: How did you get the job?
 (*ответ*) Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
 Yes. What can I do for you?
 I’m trying to save for a vacation in France.
 Her name is Susan, carriage
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Kitty: I’ve come to ask you to help me. Will you help me, dear?
 (*ответ*) With pleasure.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Kitty: I’ve forgotten to tell you that Betsy has a big mole on her left cheek and that her face is freckled.
 (*ответ*) That’ll help me for sure.
 – He’s a doctor.
 Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
 Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.

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