Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: BOB: Mm… Well, OK. I wonder what’s on the menu. MARY: I’m starving.

Вопрос посетителя

“to put off” means
 (*ответ*) to make somebody dislike something, or make them not want to do something
 to be very easy to see or notice by looking or sounding very different from other things or people
 to explode or make a sudden noise
 to admire and respect someone
“to put through” means
 (*ответ*) to connect someone to another person by telephone
 to express strong emotions about something, especially when you are complaining very angrily
 to make somebody dislike something, or make them not want to do something
 to be very easy to see or notice by looking or sounding very different from other things or people
“To put your foot in it” means
 (*ответ*) to say something without thinking carefully, which embarrasses or upsets another person
 to refuse something because you do not believe it is good enough for you
 to try to make somebody believe something that isn’t true, as a joke
 to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening
“To win hands down” means
 (*ответ*) to beat other people very easily
 to try to make somebody believe something that isn’t true, as a joke
 to refuse something because you do not believe it is good enough for you
 to be very busy doing something
Вставьте глагол по смыслу (to have, to do, to take, to make):
He _ a few mistakes in the exam.
 (*ответ*) made
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: — And what do they do with them then?
— Then the children put the pumpkin on the porch of their house. And after that they take a big empty bag and walk around every house and knock at the door.
— And so what?
-Then they ask a traditional question: “Trick or treat?”
— What does it mean?
—  (*ответ*) It means “Give me a treat — an apple, a sweet, some candies or I’ll play a trick on you.”
 The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
 Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
 I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: — Were there many people there?
— Oh, yes! The streets were full of people and in the field there was a large crowd round a circle of big stones with an “altar stone” in the middle.
— What is this altar stone used for?
— (*ответ*) The Chief Druid stepped on the altar stone and made a long speech in Welsh. I didn’t understand a word of it but the audience loved it.
 The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
 Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
 I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: -Have you ever attended Eisteddfod?
— No, I haven’t. What is it?
-It’s the most exciting Welsh traditional festival devoted to music and poetry.
— When is it held?
—  (*ответ*) Annually early in August.
 Yes, I do.
 Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
 I am looking forward to visiting those places.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: -When is Halloween celebrated?
— On the last night in October.
— How is it celebrated?
— (*ответ*) The children cut holes in a pumpkin to imitate a nose, mouth and eyes and put a lighted candle inside.
 Yes, I do.
 Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
 I am looking forward to visiting those places.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: BOB: Mm… Well, OK. I wonder what’s on the menu.
MARY: I’m starving.
BOB: We don’t have a menu. There’s not one on this table. Mary, do you think you could ask those people over there…
MARY: Oh sure, honey. Just a minute. Excuse me, I wonder if we could … oh, I’m sorry… honey, they don’t have one either. I’ll ask the waitress. Waitress! Um, we’d like a menu, please. WAITRESS: Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, of course, here you are.
 (*ответ*) Thank you.
 Yes, I do.
 Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
 Oh, no, not at all.

Ответ эксперта

“to put off” means
 (*ответ*) to make somebody dislike something, or make them not want to do something
 to be very easy to see or notice by looking or sounding very different from other things or people
 to explode or make a sudden noise
 to admire and respect someone
“to put through” means
 (*ответ*) to connect someone to another person by telephone
 to express strong emotions about something, especially when you are complaining very angrily
 to make somebody dislike something, or make them not want to do something
 to be very easy to see or notice by looking or sounding very different from other things or people
“To put your foot in it” means
 (*ответ*) to say something without thinking carefully, which embarrasses or upsets another person
 to refuse something because you do not believe it is good enough for you
 to try to make somebody believe something that isn’t true, as a joke
 to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening
“To win hands down” means
 (*ответ*) to beat other people very easily
 to try to make somebody believe something that isn’t true, as a joke
 to refuse something because you do not believe it is good enough for you
 to be very busy doing something
Вставьте глагол по смыслу (to have, to do, to take, to make):
He _ a few mistakes in the exam.
 (*ответ*) made
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: — And what do they do with them then?
— Then the children put the pumpkin on the porch of their house. And after that they take a big empty bag and walk around every house and knock at the door.
— And so what?
-Then they ask a traditional question: “Trick or treat?”
— What does it mean?
—  (*ответ*) It means “Give me a treat — an apple, a sweet, some candies or I’ll play a trick on you.”
 The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
 Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
 I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: — Were there many people there?
— Oh, yes! The streets were full of people and in the field there was a large crowd round a circle of big stones with an “altar stone” in the middle.
— What is this altar stone used for?
— (*ответ*) The Chief Druid stepped on the altar stone and made a long speech in Welsh. I didn’t understand a word of it but the audience loved it.
 The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
 Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
 I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: -Have you ever attended Eisteddfod?
— No, I haven’t. What is it?
-It’s the most exciting Welsh traditional festival devoted to music and poetry.
— When is it held?
—  (*ответ*) Annually early in August.
 Yes, I do.
 Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
 I am looking forward to visiting those places.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: -When is Halloween celebrated?
— On the last night in October.
— How is it celebrated?
— (*ответ*) The children cut holes in a pumpkin to imitate a nose, mouth and eyes and put a lighted candle inside.
 Yes, I do.
 Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
 I am looking forward to visiting those places.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: BOB: Mm… Well, OK. I wonder what’s on the menu.
MARY: I’m starving.
BOB: We don’t have a menu. There’s not one on this table. Mary, do you think you could ask those people over there…
MARY: Oh sure, honey. Just a minute. Excuse me, I wonder if we could … oh, I’m sorry… honey, they don’t have one either. I’ll ask the waitress. Waitress! Um, we’d like a menu, please. WAITRESS: Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, of course, here you are.
 (*ответ*) Thank you.
 Yes, I do.
 Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
 Oh, no, not at all.

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