Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Oh, yes, only a bottle of brandy. You are allowed that. Now these boxes of cigarettes. That’s more than I can allow

Вопрос посетителя

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Dobson: Can I check here for the British Airways flight to New York?
Clerk: Yes, sir. May I see your ticket and passport?
Mr Dobson:
 (*ответ*) Here you are.
 I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: Is this Mercury Airlines counter?
Clerk: Yes, it is. May I help you?
Mr Nelson:
 (*ответ*) I’d like to check my reservation for today’s flight to Mexico City.
 No, you should have caught a 47. Jump out at the bridge and get one there.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: Is this Mercury Airlines counter?
Clerk: Yes, it is. May I help you?
Mr Nelson: I’d like to check my reservation for today’s flight to Mexico City.
Clerk: May I see your ticket and passport?
Mr Nelson: Is everything in order?
 (*ответ*) Yes, it is.
 I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: What time does the plane leave?
 (*ответ*) At 4.30.
 No, you should have caught a 47. Jump out at the bridge and get one there.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: What time does the plane leave?
Clerk: At 4.30.
Mr Nelson: Excuse me. Is this gate seven?
 (*ответ*) Yes, it is. We are boarding the plane at any moment.
 I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Any meat, fresh fruit, plants ?
Tourist: Uh, no.
Officer: Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?
Tourist: Excuse me?
Officer: Are you bringing any gifts into the country?
 (*ответ*) No, huh-uh.
 It’s quite a way yet, but I’ll tell you in good time.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Are these two bags all you have, sir?
Mr Green: Yes, they are all I have.
Officer: Have you anything to declare?
Mr Green:
 (*ответ*) I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Oh, yes, only a bottle of brandy. You are allowed that. Now these boxes of cigarettes. That’s more than I can allow you free. I’m afraid you’ll have to pay some duty on them. I’ll tell you how much in a moment. But first let me see inside your bags.
Mr Green: Here they are.
Officer: Thank you, sir. Everything’s all right. Nothing is more dutiable. Welcome to our country!
Mr Green:
 (*ответ*) Thank you.
 It’s quite a way yet, but I’ll tell you in good time.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.

Ответ эксперта

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Dobson: Can I check here for the British Airways flight to New York?
Clerk: Yes, sir. May I see your ticket and passport?
Mr Dobson:
 (*ответ*) Here you are.
 I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: Is this Mercury Airlines counter?
Clerk: Yes, it is. May I help you?
Mr Nelson:
 (*ответ*) I’d like to check my reservation for today’s flight to Mexico City.
 No, you should have caught a 47. Jump out at the bridge and get one there.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: Is this Mercury Airlines counter?
Clerk: Yes, it is. May I help you?
Mr Nelson: I’d like to check my reservation for today’s flight to Mexico City.
Clerk: May I see your ticket and passport?
Mr Nelson: Is everything in order?
 (*ответ*) Yes, it is.
 I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: What time does the plane leave?
 (*ответ*) At 4.30.
 No, you should have caught a 47. Jump out at the bridge and get one there.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Mr Nelson: What time does the plane leave?
Clerk: At 4.30.
Mr Nelson: Excuse me. Is this gate seven?
 (*ответ*) Yes, it is. We are boarding the plane at any moment.
 I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Any meat, fresh fruit, plants ?
Tourist: Uh, no.
Officer: Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?
Tourist: Excuse me?
Officer: Are you bringing any gifts into the country?
 (*ответ*) No, huh-uh.
 It’s quite a way yet, but I’ll tell you in good time.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Are these two bags all you have, sir?
Mr Green: Yes, they are all I have.
Officer: Have you anything to declare?
Mr Green:
 (*ответ*) I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.
 Of course. How much does it weigh?
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Officer: Oh, yes, only a bottle of brandy. You are allowed that. Now these boxes of cigarettes. That’s more than I can allow you free. I’m afraid you’ll have to pay some duty on them. I’ll tell you how much in a moment. But first let me see inside your bags.
Mr Green: Here they are.
Officer: Thank you, sir. Everything’s all right. Nothing is more dutiable. Welcome to our country!
Mr Green:
 (*ответ*) Thank you.
 It’s quite a way yet, but I’ll tell you in good time.
 Here you are.
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.

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