В каком из времен стоит следующее предложение: They found a nice small house not very far from Mr Gray’s office.

Вопрос посетителя

What is a person who knows much about science?
 (*ответ*) scientist
What is a ship which travels in space?
 (*ответ*) spaceship
What is a small group of houses in the country, which is not a settlement and is smaller than a town?
 (*ответ*) village
What is the traditional American food?
 (*ответ*) hamburgers
 (*ответ*) roast chicken
 (*ответ*) roast turkey
 bacon and eggs
What is the traditional British food?
 (*ответ*) bacon and eggs
 (*ответ*) porridge
 (*ответ*) tea with lemon
What is the traditional Russian food?
 (*ответ*) pancake
 (*ответ*) caviar
 (*ответ*) honey
Which is the quickest transport?
 (*ответ*) plane
Who _ laughing so loudly? — We are
 (*ответ*) is
Who _ well? — We do
 (*ответ*) counts
 do count
 does count
William Shakespeare wrote
 (*ответ*) Romeo and Juliette
 Tom Sawyer
 Harry Porter
 Robin Hood
Yuri Gagarin made a space voyage around ….
 (*ответ*) the world
 the street
 the moon
 the house
_ is your address? I live at 17 Main Street
 (*ответ*) What
_does your brother collect? He collects stamps
 (*ответ*) What
_did you live before you moved here? I lived in a town fifty miles away
 (*ответ*) Where
В Past Indefinite употребляются
 (*ответ*) yesterday
 (*ответ*) last year
 (*ответ*) a week ago
В Past Indefinite употребляются
 (*ответ*) the day before yesterday
 (*ответ*) in 1999
 every day
В Present Perfect: употребляются
 (*ответ*) already
 (*ответ*) never
 (*ответ*) Just
В Present Perfect: употребляются
 (*ответ*) every day
 (*ответ*) yesterday
 (*ответ*) tomorrow
В The Present Continuous Tense употребляются
 (*ответ*) now
 (*ответ*) at the moment
В какой последовательности пишется адрес в русском языке
 (*ответ*) Country, city, street, house, flat
 Flat, house, street, city, country
 House, flat, street, city, country
 Street, house, flat, city, country
В каком из времен стоит следующее предложение: They found a nice small house not very far from Mr Gray’s office.
 (*ответ*) Past Indefinite
 Present Indefinite
 Present Perfect
 Past Continuous

Ответ эксперта

What is a person who knows much about science?
 (*ответ*) scientist
What is a ship which travels in space?
 (*ответ*) spaceship
What is a small group of houses in the country, which is not a settlement and is smaller than a town?
 (*ответ*) village
What is the traditional American food?
 (*ответ*) hamburgers
 (*ответ*) roast chicken
 (*ответ*) roast turkey
 bacon and eggs
What is the traditional British food?
 (*ответ*) bacon and eggs
 (*ответ*) porridge
 (*ответ*) tea with lemon
What is the traditional Russian food?
 (*ответ*) pancake
 (*ответ*) caviar
 (*ответ*) honey
Which is the quickest transport?
 (*ответ*) plane
Who _ laughing so loudly? — We are
 (*ответ*) is
Who _ well? — We do
 (*ответ*) counts
 do count
 does count
William Shakespeare wrote
 (*ответ*) Romeo and Juliette
 Tom Sawyer
 Harry Porter
 Robin Hood
Yuri Gagarin made a space voyage around ….
 (*ответ*) the world
 the street
 the moon
 the house
_ is your address? I live at 17 Main Street
 (*ответ*) What
_does your brother collect? He collects stamps
 (*ответ*) What
_did you live before you moved here? I lived in a town fifty miles away
 (*ответ*) Where
В Past Indefinite употребляются
 (*ответ*) yesterday
 (*ответ*) last year
 (*ответ*) a week ago
В Past Indefinite употребляются
 (*ответ*) the day before yesterday
 (*ответ*) in 1999
 every day
В Present Perfect: употребляются
 (*ответ*) already
 (*ответ*) never
 (*ответ*) Just
В Present Perfect: употребляются
 (*ответ*) every day
 (*ответ*) yesterday
 (*ответ*) tomorrow
В The Present Continuous Tense употребляются
 (*ответ*) now
 (*ответ*) at the moment
В какой последовательности пишется адрес в русском языке
 (*ответ*) Country, city, street, house, flat
 Flat, house, street, city, country
 House, flat, street, city, country
 Street, house, flat, city, country
В каком из времен стоит следующее предложение: They found a nice small house not very far from Mr Gray’s office.
 (*ответ*) Past Indefinite
 Present Indefinite
 Present Perfect
 Past Continuous

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