Выберите верный вариант ответа. My desk … by someone 5 minutes ago. was moved

Вопрос посетителя

Выберите верный вариант ответа. Mark hasn’t got the paper, …?
 (*ответ*) has he
 is he
 didn’t he
 doesn’t he
Выберите верный вариант ответа. She … the Jamaican coast at 4 a.m.
 (*ответ*) will reach
 shall reach
 will have reach
 will be reached
Выберите верный вариант ответа. She’s getting a new job, …?
 (*ответ*) isn’t she
 doesn’t she
 does she
 is she
Выберите верный вариант ответа. The women … me to leave.
 (*ответ*) ask
Выберите верный вариант ответа. This island … cyclones and hurricanes.
 (*ответ*) will always have
 will always have had
 will always been having
 will always be having
Выберите верный вариант ответа. We … here … 5 years.
 (*ответ*) have been living, … for
 will be living, while
 will have lived, during
 live, for
Выберите верный вариант ответа. What … you … at 5 o’clock tomorrow?
 (*ответ*) will; be doing
 would do
 will have done
 will doing
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Which pigeon … first?
 (*ответ*) arrived
 had been arrived
 was arrived
 did arrive
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Who … St. Paul’s?
 (*ответ*) designed
 will design
 had design
 did design
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Вставьте вместо пропуска подходящую форму слова. Yesterday I met Ann who … me she was getting married.
 (*ответ*) told
 told to
Выберите верный вариант ответа. He often … things like that.
 (*ответ*) says
Выберите верный вариант ответа. He was … asleep when alarm went off.
 (*ответ*) sound
Выберите верный вариант ответа. I’m speaking good English now, …?
 (*ответ*) amn’t I
 isn’t I
 won’t I
 am I
Выберите верный вариант ответа. John can speak English and …
 (*ответ*) so can I.
 so me.
 so I.
 so I can.
Выберите верный вариант ответа. My desk … by someone 5 minutes ago.
 (*ответ*) was moved
 is moved
 was being moved
 had been moved
Выберите верный вариант ответа. My father … by the year 2010.
 (*ответ*) will have retired
 will have been retired
 will retire
Выберите верный вариант ответа. She always … me her troubles.
 (*ответ*) tells
Выберите верный вариант ответа. When … we finish all this work?
 (*ответ*) shall
Выберите верный вариант ответа. You didn’t leave the gas on, …?
 (*ответ*) did you
 hadn’t you
 had you
 didn’t you
Выберите верный вариант ответа. … is not allowed on double yellow lines.
 (*ответ*) Parking
 any parking
 some parking
 a parking
Выберите верный вариант ответа. … you hold on a minute please, I’ll try to connect you.
 (*ответ*) Would
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Are the students … about the exam?
 (*ответ*) talking
Выберите верный вариант ответа. By the time the train arrived I was … late.
 (*ответ*) already
Выберите верный вариант ответа. By this time tomorrow, I … on the phone.
 (*ответ*) will have spoken to you
 would speak
 will speak
 will have been speaking to you

Ответ эксперта

Выберите верный вариант ответа. Mark hasn’t got the paper, …?
 (*ответ*) has he
 is he
 didn’t he
 doesn’t he
Выберите верный вариант ответа. She … the Jamaican coast at 4 a.m.
 (*ответ*) will reach
 shall reach
 will have reach
 will be reached
Выберите верный вариант ответа. She’s getting a new job, …?
 (*ответ*) isn’t she
 doesn’t she
 does she
 is she
Выберите верный вариант ответа. The women … me to leave.
 (*ответ*) ask
Выберите верный вариант ответа. This island … cyclones and hurricanes.
 (*ответ*) will always have
 will always have had
 will always been having
 will always be having
Выберите верный вариант ответа. We … here … 5 years.
 (*ответ*) have been living, … for
 will be living, while
 will have lived, during
 live, for
Выберите верный вариант ответа. What … you … at 5 o’clock tomorrow?
 (*ответ*) will; be doing
 would do
 will have done
 will doing
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Which pigeon … first?
 (*ответ*) arrived
 had been arrived
 was arrived
 did arrive
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Who … St. Paul’s?
 (*ответ*) designed
 will design
 had design
 did design
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Вставьте вместо пропуска подходящую форму слова. Yesterday I met Ann who … me she was getting married.
 (*ответ*) told
 told to
Выберите верный вариант ответа. He often … things like that.
 (*ответ*) says
Выберите верный вариант ответа. He was … asleep when alarm went off.
 (*ответ*) sound
Выберите верный вариант ответа. I’m speaking good English now, …?
 (*ответ*) amn’t I
 isn’t I
 won’t I
 am I
Выберите верный вариант ответа. John can speak English and …
 (*ответ*) so can I.
 so me.
 so I.
 so I can.
Выберите верный вариант ответа. My desk … by someone 5 minutes ago.
 (*ответ*) was moved
 is moved
 was being moved
 had been moved
Выберите верный вариант ответа. My father … by the year 2010.
 (*ответ*) will have retired
 will have been retired
 will retire
Выберите верный вариант ответа. She always … me her troubles.
 (*ответ*) tells
Выберите верный вариант ответа. When … we finish all this work?
 (*ответ*) shall
Выберите верный вариант ответа. You didn’t leave the gas on, …?
 (*ответ*) did you
 hadn’t you
 had you
 didn’t you
Выберите верный вариант ответа. … is not allowed on double yellow lines.
 (*ответ*) Parking
 any parking
 some parking
 a parking
Выберите верный вариант ответа. … you hold on a minute please, I’ll try to connect you.
 (*ответ*) Would
Выберите верный вариант ответа. Are the students … about the exam?
 (*ответ*) talking
Выберите верный вариант ответа. By the time the train arrived I was … late.
 (*ответ*) already
Выберите верный вариант ответа. By this time tomorrow, I … on the phone.
 (*ответ*) will have spoken to you
 would speak
 will speak
 will have been speaking to you

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