Вставьте the gaps with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1The wound must be cleaned before you put a plaster on it. 2The Adventures

Вопрос от пользователя

Вставьте the gaps with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1The wound must be cleaned before you put a plaster on it. 2The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was written by Mark Twain. 3Jane is being seen by the doctor right now. 4Luckily, the driver of the car was not injured in the accident. 5One day a cure will be found for cancer.

Ответ от эксперта

1 be cleaned
2 was written
3 is being seen
4 was not injured
5 will be found

1 Рана должна быть промыта, прежде чем вы наложите пластырь на нее.
2 Приключения Тома Сойера были написаны Марком Твеном.
3 В данный момент Джейн осматривается врачом.
4 К счастью, водитель автомобиля не пострадал в аварии.
5 Однажды будет найдено лекарство от рака.

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