Восстанови письмо Бэна. Употреби глаголы в скобках в Past Simple Dear Jim, Last month I was at Chatterplace. I had a good time there

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Восстанови письмо Бэна. Употреби глаголы в скобках в Past Simple
Dear Jim,
Last month I was at Chatterplace. I had a good time there

Ответ эксперта

Dear Jim,

Last month I was at Chatterplace. I had a good time there. I lived in a small but nice room. When it was fine and warm, I went for a walk and played tennis.

I helped Miss Chatter to feed the animals. I learned to ride a horse. When it was sunny, I flew a kite in the field. I saw a lot of beautiful places. Once I visited Tiny and listened to his new fairy tale.

I liked my holidays. I’ll come back to Chatterplace next year. Would you like to go with me?

Please write back.

Yours, Ben

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